
Epigenetics and Yoga

A lot has already been researched and studied on this subject, but there still remain many unanswered questions. A lot is being expected out of yoga. One hears of all kinds of amazing yogic feats. Can yoga really effect significant epigenetic changes? How far can yoga really go? What could be the directions for future study? What impact would any of this have on our DNA?

This paper seeks to explore both the subjects of Yoga and Epigenetics, and perhaps dig-out some deeper elements or thoughts with a view to discuss some perspectives and answer some questions on the subject. To the extent possible this paper shall provide research and evidence to support its contentions. Some of the claims of yoga on the mind/body present lie beyond scientific may at explanation and empirically proven evidence, as the mind/spirit connection remains elusive. Much more research and study is desired, but we all face great limitations of time and resources.


Jimmy Mody

Abstract | Full-Text | PDF

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