Epigenetics and the New Science of Thriving in Autism: How the Parents' and the Caregivers’ Expectations Directly Affects the Autistic Child's Ability to Thrive

Rajalakshmi Kandaswamy

Published Date: 2016-10-03
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If there is one thing that every parent with a child with Autism grapples with on a daily basis, it is dealing with expectations or the lack of it and the fear of disappointment, where it concerns their autistic child. The understanding of Epigenetics and the latest discoveries in Psychology and Energy Medicine has now revealed that it is the Environment of negative and lowered expectations set up collectively and individually by the professionals, parents and care-givers of children with autism that is directly affecting the ability of the autistic child to Thrive. The important point to note here is that almost all the research that is being done in the area of Epigenetics in autism is focused upon finding the cause or the causes for autism. There have been numerous studies and articles written about the epigenetics of the environmental pollutants, the mother’s state of health and stressors during pregnancy, assisted reproduction technology and so on that most people may be aware of. This article however, chooses to focus upon the Epigenetic aspect of the solution in autism that can be applied right away to see the autistic child thrive. It also explores the new scientific understanding of epigenetic factors in autism and the practical application of Positive Expectation from the state of Energy Alignment as an Epigenetic tool that helps children with autism Thrive with their unique gifts and abilities.

open access journals, open access scientific research publisher, open access publisher
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