Non-viable Neonatal Gastroschisis: Case Report

Allan Fernando Delcid Morazán, Delmy Soraya Barahona Andrade, Sendy Janneth Vides Torres, Wendy Patricia Barahona Zelaya, Ronald Emilio Mayorga Izaguirre, Fabricio Alfonso Leiva Molina and Carlos Humberto Gonzalez

Published Date: 2017-05-03
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Gastroschisis is one of the major congenital defects of the abdominal wall, the incidence reported worldwide is one per 20,000 births, in a defect that is frequently located at the para-umbilical level to the right of the umbilical insertion, with a usual size of 2-4 cm, through which mainly protrudes small and large intestine, without being covered by avascular and translucent amniotic peritoneum membrane, that is due to the premature interruption on the irrigation of the right omphalomesenteric artery. This entity requires postnatal surgical repair by primary closure of the fascia or secondary closure as soon after birth, the survival rate for gastroschisis has revealed that lower and middle-income countries have lower survival in gastroschisis. This article is about the case of a Gastroschisis baby, female new-born of 38 gestational weeks, attended at Hospital General del Sur, Choluteca, Honduras, whose mother had poor prenatal control, not performed by a physician, without obstetric ultrasound during pregnancy. At physical examination presents multiple congenital malformations, increased of cephalic perimeter suspicion of hydrocephalus, hypertelorism, cleft lip, cleft palate, and gastroschisis with evisceration of liver, small intestine, large intestine, right superior pole of the right kidney, equino varus, who was a non-viable neonatal gastroschisis. Public health and prenatal interventions should target at-risk populations to improve clinical outcomes. An aadequate prenatal control is essential in the early detection of Gastroschisis and congenital malformations, emphasizing in factors associated with an increased risk for gastroschisis, helping clinical outcomes by starting the management earlier, the decision about management often occurs before birth

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